The backyard wedding to end them all!
Well well well, what do we have here? We’ve got another awesome wedding, that’s what. Like everything these days, it didn’t look like it was first planned and drawn up, that is true. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t go off without a hitch in the end. It was a banger of a day.
Of course the weather forecast called for rain, for weeks ahead. I have to take my couple’s word for it, as I no longer check the weather for wedding days ;) It always changes too much. The day before is all I need. And what do you know? A beautiful blue sky, a bit of a breeze. Perfect. Which is really nice, as our venue changed. I’m sure you can guess why… But the family came in clutch. Especially mom and dad of the bride. Buying a tent (for rent now peeps!) and making the backyard a really gorgeous spot to get hitched. Sometimes a backyard wedding can leave a bit to be desired… not this time! It was gorgeous.
Photos at a near by conservation area, lots of golden sun. A wedding party that was not only very toight, verrrry se… good looking. But they were so fun too. And not a single complaint! No sore feet being broadcast to all of Kitchener. :D
The bride had fired me some photos that she liked the look of, and they were double exposures. I had never done that before, but I decided to give it a try! Wow. A fun little challenge. It is sorta mind bending trying to figure out how the framing, light and dark, and transparency is all going to line up. I took a bunch, and luckily snagged a few that worked out. I’m not usually an advocate of spray and pray, but sometimes when you’re trying something new you gotta just hope for the best, and shoot lots! Have a look below to see a few of them sprinkled in there.

Chill video that captures what turned out to be a wonderful day. Make sure to watch it in 1080p or it’ll look awful.